

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Maybe the psychics are only half wrong!

Hi all,

So you'll never guess what happened?! For those of you that read my last blog about the "psychic" woman telling me the bloke I was looking cosy with was the one for me...I only bloody saw him on my night out at the weekend!

It was bizarre! He saw me, kissed me on the cheek, said hello & that was it, which was fine. I told my friend Zoe who was with me (zoeevictoria.blogspot.co.uk in case you forgot) & we were both a bit open mouthed. What are the odds? I haven't thought about it for ages, blogged about it then frigging saw him, the universe is at work here definitely which amused me.

We'd started to have enough so were going to leave - it was about 1.30am by this point which I didn't think was too bad for an old bird! Whilst waiting in the bar for a lift I saw him again & he came over, we got chatting & it was all very pleasant & cosy again. We were chatting about being single & he just said he hadn't been lucky yet & found somebody. He even said he was going to message me the next day (I called bullshit) but he insisted so I humoured him, taking me out for dinner & all sorts he said. Needless to say the next day...can you guess? This game isn't that difficult...I heard nothing.

I do believe in fate & being where you're supposed to be etc but this is taking the piss haha. Maybe that psychic chick was right but I've got to wait til I'm 90 fuckin 5 before the dipshit grows up & realises he might actually be on to a good thing! This is why you've not been lucky love, coz you're blind to what's right in front of you - I'm not even just talking about me, god knows how many opportunies he's missed coz he's too busy "looking"!

Anyway it doesn't matter coz I had a great night, had my faith & cynicism restored in equal measure & enjoyed time with my friends. The rest of the weekend was pretty awesome too. My local rugby team won the county cup final, I rode a horse, had some quality girly time  & generally had a bloody good time so I'm not complaining!


Thursday 1 May 2014

Even the psychics are wrong!

Hi everyone,

How's it going?

I'm excited because it's another bank holiday weekend! Got some fun stuff planned!

Me & a friend co-wrote & filmed a short film last year & we're currently in the process of editing it, so my Saturday will be spent finishing off the rough edit & starting a second edit to polish everything up. It's really interesting & has been a great experience. Seeing how the processes work behind the camera as well as in front of it is really cool & just adds to being an actor in my opinion. We discovered we both pull some funny faces without even realising it, it's really funny to see if a little cringeworthy, I hate watching myself act anyway but at least you can have a laugh about it!

I'm looking forward to that but I'm looking forward to Saturday night even more as I'm going out!!! It's been bloody ages! It'll be with a great group of friends too so I'm super excited to have some drinks & get upto some mischief - I can't be held accountable for my actions when I'm feeling mischievous!

I remembered another encounter I had in the romance department. I was out with friends (I see a pattern emerging with these stories) & I bumped into a guy I had met before when volunteering at an event behind the bar, we'd had a bit of friendly banter at the time but that's all it was. We got chatting & we may have had a little smooch, it was all very pleasant. Next thing I know some woman is tugging on my hand, bit weird but I'm quite polite so I asked her what was up, she looked so serious I really didn't know what was coming next then she said "are you two together?" For ease & because it was none of her busines I just answered yes, she grabbed my hand really tight, pulled me right into her & looked me square in the eyes & said "don't ever let him go because he is the one for you". I think my exact words were "what the fuck?" Haha I didn't know what else to say it was so weird, she was so intense. She then explained that she never approached people but she had a gift & it scared her but she felt completed compelled to tell me that we were made for each other & she wouldn't have felt right if she'd walked away & let true love be lost. I just listened to her for a bit said thank you & that I appreciated it took a lot for her to approach me & we parted ways. I never told him what she'd said. Anyway we swapped numbers & left it at that, I don't know if I believed her or not but it was such an usual situation that it did play on my mind a bit, she'd been so convinced that it was hard not to get swept along with it. The next morning with her words ringing in my ears I text him...I never heard back from the wanker so that was her brilliant accurate prediction out the fucking window!!

I've never seen him since either!

I still think about that sometimes but I don't have any bad feelings towards the mystery (rubbish) psychic, although I guess I could make a few dodgy predictions too after a few shandies!!

It all makes for good stories oh & as a last note my new favourite radio station is Gold, I friggin love it & I don't care if that does make me ancient, I love all the classic tunes!

See yaaaaa

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bank holiday weekend


So I've had a pretty awesome bank holiday weekend & there wasn't a drop of alcohol in sight (ok a small glass of wine on Sunday evening but that doesn't count!)I didn't need to go out drinking, it was a great one without a hangover, rubbish flirting with strangers & nothing to show for it but an empty purse (that's next bank holiday 😉)

It started on Friday with a trip to Wollaton Hall, this is the building they used in the Dark Knight Rises as the exterior of Bruce Wayne's mansion. It's a pretty cool place

Obligatory selfie with my bro, it was very bright hence the funny faces!
The gardens were really lovely & it'd be a great place for a picnic when it's nice & sunny. 

Saturday I caught up with one of my oldest friends & we had a great afternoon chatting & having lunch, it was lovely to see her & I've made a pact with myself where possible to see her much more often. 

Sunday was such a fun day, a few of us went to Creswell Crags, it's an interesting place which I had never been to before. There are some caves you can look at & it's a pleasant walk around them. It's not a massive walk but we kept ourselves entertained with some climbing & general messing about. It was a lot of fun & obviously we had to have a drink & cake in the tearoom - it's the law! 

Craig, my brother from another mother!
Zoe is ace!
Nicki is the outdoors expert!
We then went home and proceeded to make the biggest roast dinner I've ever eaten, well Nicki and Zoe created the masterpiece, I stayed out the way as I'm the worst cook known to man! I live by this motto when it comes to my cooking...'It's ok if I poison myself but I'm not cool with poisoning other people'
Check out this beast!!!!!
ridiculous isn't it and then we had chocolate cheesecake after it! Happy flipping Easter!!
You'd think I'd be all activitied out but no Monday was also full of stuff, breakfast at Frankie and Benny's followed by a trip to Sherwood Forest to see the Major Oak.
So apparently Robin Hood lived in this tree...I can't see it myself but that's how the legend goes and its a pretty big legend so I'll go with it. Then it was back home to play games and eat Chinese!
This weekend I've pretty much eaten Russia's supply of food, been some cool places and hung out with some of my favourite people so I'd say it was a big fucking successful Easter Bank Holiday Weekend!
Sorry for all the pictures but I felt the need to share all the fun, hope you all had a great time whatever you did
As for my love life status a nice man told me today he was better for seeing my bright smile...he was old enough to be my grandad...as per usual, but it was a nice thing to hear...still got it with the geriatrics woop woop!!!!!
see yaaaaa

Thursday 17 April 2014

Strange week


Hope everyone's had a good week, my working is finished now thanks to a glorious bank holiday weekend. I think this is first full one I've taken off ever! I usually work bank holidays so I'm taking advantage of this one.

I've had a bit of a weird week this week, I've felt quite ill but not in a normal way. I thought I was maybe coming down with something as that's what it felt like, lots of people around me seem to have colds & bugs & all sorts but it never quite materialised into anything like that. All I know is I felt rough! I've never felt so drained of energy before, literally thinking & speaking was a huge effort on one day & I kept saying words wrong. It was a bit scary actually. I came home from work & had to lie down, I didn't move for at least two hours, I wasn't even asleep just couldn't summon the energy to move.

I do feel a bit better now & I've come to the conclusion that the reason it's eased off is because I've realised just how much I've been worrying about certain things just lately. I'm a stress head anyway & If I don't keep it in check it manifests itself physically until I take notice & make a mental effort to put it in perspective. It's weird coz in some ways I'm quite laid back & can't get bothered about stuff but the flip side of that is that I'm a huge worrier - I'm a contradiction, in more ways that one. I really irritate myself with my contrasting personality traits sometimes haha! Anyway the racing heart & shortness of breath has pretty much stopped now & every time I catch myself worrying I have a word, put it into context & do something else to occupy my mind. Of course there are some things that will always play on your mind but it's about getting the balance right.

I think it's something that's important to address, everybody has their little things, their quirks & everybody suffers anxiety at some point or another - if you don't, lucky you! Embrace it in your friends & family, be there for them when they've had a bad day or if you sense them struggling & hopefully when you need it they will be kind enough to embrace it in you & give you a hand to help you back up when you're on your way down :)  it takes 2 minutes to do something nice for somebody even if you feel like shit yourself, you never know it might just make your heart sing & lift your spirit to know you helped somebody :)

On a brighter note I accidentally told a customer on the phone that I'd need their house number to make a card payment as they weren't pregnant...I meant to say present (been saying the wrong words all bloody week) so that was fun...& mortifying! Luckily they saw the funny side & we had a laugh!

Look after each other!


Monday 14 April 2014

Learning lines


I'm loving the nice bit of sunshine we've had just lately, really perks me up! Hopefully it'll continue!

I'm frantically trying to learn lines for a play I'm in. It's not until August so frantically is probably a bit dramatic but what can I say I'm an actor daaaaarling. At least I try to be, the theatre company I'm part of (Zodiac Theatre if you fancy liking our Facebook page) is putting a new show on in August & it's a very wordy but awesome play called Agnes of God. I'm playing Agnes which is very exciting but shit scary at the same time. It's only a three character play so we've all got to rely on each other to get it right...hence learning lines now! My super cast mates are very talented ladies though so I'm sure we'll nail it.

I love acting, it's what makes me tick. I'm not a particularly ambitious person, I never have been, I have no idea what profession I would seriously go into as a career for the rest of my life that's why I haven't so far. I do slightly envy people that have had their life mapped out from being small but as long as I can pay my bills, have a good laugh & I'm relatively happy I don't care that I haven't got
everything figured out. The world is falling to shit so maybe we'll all be living like cavemen in the
not too distant future anyway. If I could act though, as a full time job I'd be as happy as a pig in shit!
It's not through lack of trying, I have an agent, I have headshots, I've basically got everything in place that I should  but it's a frigging hard industry & it would be easy to give up but I love it so much even if it never happens I'll be happy knowing I've never given up, I can live with that.

So I'll carry on with my lines for now & hope they stick in my head, I used to have a really good memory but it's definitely not so good any more...must be getting old!

See ya soon
Lindsay xxx

Always remember this by the way...no should ever make you feel less than amazing

Monday 7 April 2014

It's not all bad

Hello everyone - well anyone who's still reading this anyway 😊

Hope you're all enjoying Monday, can't say I've had the best day but it got better after a pretty rubbish start. Now I'm just chilling & catching up on some tv so I'm happy

I haven't posted for a few days so I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been doing, Saturday was very relaxed, I didn't get out of bed until 1pm! I never stay in bed that late, but you know what I really needed it & I felt bloody brilliant after a long doze. I then went for lunch with my mum & brother & had a nice little catch up. I didn't have many plans after that so I text a couple of friends of mine (who are a couple) to see what they were upto. Not much it turned out so they came to mine, we ate popcorn, watched Tangled & played with my cat Phoebe! I should point out my beautiful friend Zoe only ate nuts as she's created a list of 100 things she really wanted to do & eating vegan for a week was one of the things. She's doing really well & will soon be able to cross it off the list, if you want to check out her progress & read her brill blog go to www.zoeevictoria.blogspot.co.uk

It was a very pleasant evening & they never make me feel like a third wheel, which is why they're smashing mates 👍😄

Sunday was a much busier but equally awesome day, I drove over to Derby to surprise a friend for his 30th birthday! He's not one for a lot of fuss & thought he was just going for a quiet meal with his close family so he was very surprised to see his friends there as well. It was a really nice afternoon & was lovely to catch up with some friends. I then went & caught up with another friend for an hour, I just dropped in on her & gatecrashed her quiet Sunday haha, I hadn't seen her for a while so it was nice to have a catch up!

Then it was a drive back home to meet some other friends at the cinema, we went to see Divergent which is actually really good, I fair enjoyed it. It didn't even cost me anything, I had a voucher from Christmas that was a present from a friend & I even got ice cream too! It was the perfect end to a really great weekend spent with a lot of people I love!

You may have noticed a pattern in this post, I mention one word more than once...friends! I know I talk about being single but I wouldn't swap my friends & family for all the tea in China (old person saying alert!!!) I try & make friends wherever I go & love different people for different things. My life is so rich for all the people in it & I'm grateful for that every day! ❤️

I'll leave you with this, being single has it's perks, I'm pretty convinced I'll bag one of these some day soon

Yes a musketeer! haha until then I'll just enjoy beardy men in leather in this pic...you're very welcome!

See yaaaaa

Thursday 3 April 2014

Caught in the middle!


How is everyone? Hope you're all having a good week wherever you are in the world 😄

I finally got Frozen on DVD today, I love this film...that's not particularly interesting but now you know.

I've noticed that I seem to be in between ages when it comes to blokes.  What I mean by that is I'm not quite young & I'm not quite old. Yet I seem to attract either old men or young men. Meeting anybody around my own age seems virtually impossible because most people are already in relationships or they have a lot of baggage from previous relationships which they need to sort out so they don't bring it into a new relationship blah blah blah! So my choices seem to be get a sugar daddy or become a cougar! Neither are appealing.

In a bar a while back I became aware of an older bloke staring at me whilst waiting at the bar, I smiled politely & looked away...I've been brought up to respect my elders. Then I hear this "does he love you? I'll love you if he doesn't" awwwww quite sweet you might think except this bloke was at least 60 & whilst I appreciated the sentiment I wasn't quite ready to settle down with gramps, I'm an optimist what can I say. My fictitious boyfriend loves me very much apparently, well as far as that bloke is concerned he does...doesn't exist but is a smashing bloke.

The flip side of this is another night when a 20 year told me he'd like to & I quote "smash me up against that wall" I believe it was a sexual advance as opposed to a threat to kill me but who knows, kids these days eh. Needless to say I was flattered but aware the joints aren't quite what they were so I wasn't convinced a smashing against a wall was in my immediate future!

I've been told many times I don't look my age so I can sort of see why the younger guys get confused but if they don't know the thundercats I'm afraid it's a no go. However this just makes the older guys creepy, I can't imagine their success rates are very high even with stellar lines like above!

Anyway I'm off to do some exercise, if I live expect another Bridget Jonesesque blog soon, got another wedding to go to next month so need to lay off the maltesers...devastated is an understatement!

See yaaaaaaa

Feel free to follow me on Twitter, it's generally me talking a load of shit as per usual but I'm trying to use it more so it'd be cool to see some of you there 👍😄  @linz_83vintage 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Tinder 😱😱😱


I tried Tinder recently...for about two days before I deleted my account!

People are always saying to me "why don't you try internet dating" because it's shit & I don't like it that's why!!!! Now obviously I wouldn't just slam an idea without actually experiencing it first so it is with confidence having tried it in the past that I can scream in people's faces...IT'S SHIT AND I DONT LIKE IT!!!!

I apparently am a magnet for weirdos and internet dating only seems to make that magnetic trance stronger! It's uncomfortable, invasive & I just bloody don't like it but I thought I'd relent slightly & give Tinder a go.

I assume there are good people out there who really are genuinely looking for a connection but I think these people must hide from me because the only offers I get are of the penis to vagina connection & I'm just not interested! I've been told I look "dirty", not in an unclean way, I shower regularly I can assure you, but in a sexually dirty way, whatever the fuck that means!  How you can look dirty I do not know, I certainly don't do it on purpose  but it's come from more than one person & I'm paranoid that I'm somehow subconsciously slobbering my tongue round my lips & thrusting suggestively in an attempt to seem alluring...it seems like something I would notice doing, but perhaps not!

So Tinder for me was a load of shit but I'm happy for the people that do manage to strike up a meaningful conversation  & for those who love a quick shag...Tinder on!

Anyway I've basically become a cat lady, although I've had cats all my life so I don't think I'm quite the brown sofa spinster type cat lady just yet (my sofa is grey, very stylish too) but either way I thought I'd share a couple of pics of my lovely little moggy, don't be fooled by the cuteness she's a monster but I wouldn't changer her at all she's a right character

Welcome to my life!

See yaaaaaaaa

Monday 31 March 2014

Back to work!


I'm back at work today, I'm proper grumpy about it! I only had a few days off but Monday morning always seems harder if you've enjoyed a few blissful days not thinking about work at all! Oh well, it is what it is so I'll shut up moaning about it.

I've been thinking just recently about my encounters & experiences over the years & some of them have made me laugh out loud. Here's one I've just got to share with you & I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

I had forgotten about this until I was digging deep with stories to tell, it still makes me laugh when I think about it. It was a couple of years ago & I was out for a few drinks in my home town when I saw a guy I used to go to school with, I hadn't seen him for absolutely ages, years in fact so I went over to say hi. It was a pleasant exchange for a few seconds after he'd realised who I was, it was genuinely nice to see him so I went in for the hug..."woah, I'm married now" he proclaims as he sticks his ring finger complete with ring right into my face!!  WTF?! Oh right I'll forget about that dirty sex I was just about to ask you to engage in on the floor in front of everybody in this bar then shall I??!

I was genuinely taken aback, said it was nice to see him & moved away not because I was embarrassed but because I was embarrassed for him! First of all get over yourself, secondly you'll always be the weirdo who used to eat paper in class for fucks sake!!

Is this a normal reaction?  Are married men constantly on edge in case old acquaintances who are just being friendly at a chance meeting & who may or may not be married themselves (he wouldn't have a clue what my status was) suddenly become overwhelmed with an urge to give good hug!  Surely not & yet I couldn't help but feel like I was seen as some kind of bitch on heat who would jump at the nearest bloke for whatever she could get...bitch please!

Anyway the panic on his face just serves to amuse me now so the overreaction 's on him!

See yaaaaaaa

Saturday 29 March 2014

My very first blog!


This is exciting!

So I'm single, all my friends apart from the odd one are couples and I find dating generally terrifying!! Welcome to my blog! Oh yeah I might swear a bit too, it's just who I am!

I want to share my experiences and thoughts about being single and life in general with anybody who cares to read this, hopefully some like minded people or those who can relate will enjoy reading about the disaster that is my love life and maybe have a little chuckle along the way.

I find love in the 21st century a minefield! I can't be the only person who feels completely bewildered when it comes love and all that shit.

So that's it, that's what I'll be writing about, Love, life and maltesers. I love maltesers they just make everything better don't they, great to eat about 5 million of them when you really examine your pathetic love life :)

I'll leave you with this, I was recently a bridesmaid,

I wasn't sure about the dress initially, I'm whiter than milk and the dress was very pale but I don't think it looked too bad in the end, look at my hair it was massive!! Anyway aren't weddings supposed to be a great place to meet people?? No such luck, literally no eligible men! Welcome to my life!!!
See yaaaaaa
p.s my awesome friend recently started a blog too it's brilliant (I've basically jumped on the bandwagon) so check hers out www.zoeevictoria.blogspot.co.uk