

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Maybe the psychics are only half wrong!

Hi all,

So you'll never guess what happened?! For those of you that read my last blog about the "psychic" woman telling me the bloke I was looking cosy with was the one for me...I only bloody saw him on my night out at the weekend!

It was bizarre! He saw me, kissed me on the cheek, said hello & that was it, which was fine. I told my friend Zoe who was with me (zoeevictoria.blogspot.co.uk in case you forgot) & we were both a bit open mouthed. What are the odds? I haven't thought about it for ages, blogged about it then frigging saw him, the universe is at work here definitely which amused me.

We'd started to have enough so were going to leave - it was about 1.30am by this point which I didn't think was too bad for an old bird! Whilst waiting in the bar for a lift I saw him again & he came over, we got chatting & it was all very pleasant & cosy again. We were chatting about being single & he just said he hadn't been lucky yet & found somebody. He even said he was going to message me the next day (I called bullshit) but he insisted so I humoured him, taking me out for dinner & all sorts he said. Needless to say the next day...can you guess? This game isn't that difficult...I heard nothing.

I do believe in fate & being where you're supposed to be etc but this is taking the piss haha. Maybe that psychic chick was right but I've got to wait til I'm 90 fuckin 5 before the dipshit grows up & realises he might actually be on to a good thing! This is why you've not been lucky love, coz you're blind to what's right in front of you - I'm not even just talking about me, god knows how many opportunies he's missed coz he's too busy "looking"!

Anyway it doesn't matter coz I had a great night, had my faith & cynicism restored in equal measure & enjoyed time with my friends. The rest of the weekend was pretty awesome too. My local rugby team won the county cup final, I rode a horse, had some quality girly time  & generally had a bloody good time so I'm not complaining!


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