

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Tinder 😱😱😱


I tried Tinder recently...for about two days before I deleted my account!

People are always saying to me "why don't you try internet dating" because it's shit & I don't like it that's why!!!! Now obviously I wouldn't just slam an idea without actually experiencing it first so it is with confidence having tried it in the past that I can scream in people's faces...IT'S SHIT AND I DONT LIKE IT!!!!

I apparently am a magnet for weirdos and internet dating only seems to make that magnetic trance stronger! It's uncomfortable, invasive & I just bloody don't like it but I thought I'd relent slightly & give Tinder a go.

I assume there are good people out there who really are genuinely looking for a connection but I think these people must hide from me because the only offers I get are of the penis to vagina connection & I'm just not interested! I've been told I look "dirty", not in an unclean way, I shower regularly I can assure you, but in a sexually dirty way, whatever the fuck that means!  How you can look dirty I do not know, I certainly don't do it on purpose  but it's come from more than one person & I'm paranoid that I'm somehow subconsciously slobbering my tongue round my lips & thrusting suggestively in an attempt to seem alluring...it seems like something I would notice doing, but perhaps not!

So Tinder for me was a load of shit but I'm happy for the people that do manage to strike up a meaningful conversation  & for those who love a quick shag...Tinder on!

Anyway I've basically become a cat lady, although I've had cats all my life so I don't think I'm quite the brown sofa spinster type cat lady just yet (my sofa is grey, very stylish too) but either way I thought I'd share a couple of pics of my lovely little moggy, don't be fooled by the cuteness she's a monster but I wouldn't changer her at all she's a right character

Welcome to my life!

See yaaaaaaaa

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