

Thursday 1 May 2014

Even the psychics are wrong!

Hi everyone,

How's it going?

I'm excited because it's another bank holiday weekend! Got some fun stuff planned!

Me & a friend co-wrote & filmed a short film last year & we're currently in the process of editing it, so my Saturday will be spent finishing off the rough edit & starting a second edit to polish everything up. It's really interesting & has been a great experience. Seeing how the processes work behind the camera as well as in front of it is really cool & just adds to being an actor in my opinion. We discovered we both pull some funny faces without even realising it, it's really funny to see if a little cringeworthy, I hate watching myself act anyway but at least you can have a laugh about it!

I'm looking forward to that but I'm looking forward to Saturday night even more as I'm going out!!! It's been bloody ages! It'll be with a great group of friends too so I'm super excited to have some drinks & get upto some mischief - I can't be held accountable for my actions when I'm feeling mischievous!

I remembered another encounter I had in the romance department. I was out with friends (I see a pattern emerging with these stories) & I bumped into a guy I had met before when volunteering at an event behind the bar, we'd had a bit of friendly banter at the time but that's all it was. We got chatting & we may have had a little smooch, it was all very pleasant. Next thing I know some woman is tugging on my hand, bit weird but I'm quite polite so I asked her what was up, she looked so serious I really didn't know what was coming next then she said "are you two together?" For ease & because it was none of her busines I just answered yes, she grabbed my hand really tight, pulled me right into her & looked me square in the eyes & said "don't ever let him go because he is the one for you". I think my exact words were "what the fuck?" Haha I didn't know what else to say it was so weird, she was so intense. She then explained that she never approached people but she had a gift & it scared her but she felt completed compelled to tell me that we were made for each other & she wouldn't have felt right if she'd walked away & let true love be lost. I just listened to her for a bit said thank you & that I appreciated it took a lot for her to approach me & we parted ways. I never told him what she'd said. Anyway we swapped numbers & left it at that, I don't know if I believed her or not but it was such an usual situation that it did play on my mind a bit, she'd been so convinced that it was hard not to get swept along with it. The next morning with her words ringing in my ears I text him...I never heard back from the wanker so that was her brilliant accurate prediction out the fucking window!!

I've never seen him since either!

I still think about that sometimes but I don't have any bad feelings towards the mystery (rubbish) psychic, although I guess I could make a few dodgy predictions too after a few shandies!!

It all makes for good stories oh & as a last note my new favourite radio station is Gold, I friggin love it & I don't care if that does make me ancient, I love all the classic tunes!

See yaaaaa

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