

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bank holiday weekend


So I've had a pretty awesome bank holiday weekend & there wasn't a drop of alcohol in sight (ok a small glass of wine on Sunday evening but that doesn't count!)I didn't need to go out drinking, it was a great one without a hangover, rubbish flirting with strangers & nothing to show for it but an empty purse (that's next bank holiday 😉)

It started on Friday with a trip to Wollaton Hall, this is the building they used in the Dark Knight Rises as the exterior of Bruce Wayne's mansion. It's a pretty cool place

Obligatory selfie with my bro, it was very bright hence the funny faces!
The gardens were really lovely & it'd be a great place for a picnic when it's nice & sunny. 

Saturday I caught up with one of my oldest friends & we had a great afternoon chatting & having lunch, it was lovely to see her & I've made a pact with myself where possible to see her much more often. 

Sunday was such a fun day, a few of us went to Creswell Crags, it's an interesting place which I had never been to before. There are some caves you can look at & it's a pleasant walk around them. It's not a massive walk but we kept ourselves entertained with some climbing & general messing about. It was a lot of fun & obviously we had to have a drink & cake in the tearoom - it's the law! 

Craig, my brother from another mother!
Zoe is ace!
Nicki is the outdoors expert!
We then went home and proceeded to make the biggest roast dinner I've ever eaten, well Nicki and Zoe created the masterpiece, I stayed out the way as I'm the worst cook known to man! I live by this motto when it comes to my cooking...'It's ok if I poison myself but I'm not cool with poisoning other people'
Check out this beast!!!!!
ridiculous isn't it and then we had chocolate cheesecake after it! Happy flipping Easter!!
You'd think I'd be all activitied out but no Monday was also full of stuff, breakfast at Frankie and Benny's followed by a trip to Sherwood Forest to see the Major Oak.
So apparently Robin Hood lived in this tree...I can't see it myself but that's how the legend goes and its a pretty big legend so I'll go with it. Then it was back home to play games and eat Chinese!
This weekend I've pretty much eaten Russia's supply of food, been some cool places and hung out with some of my favourite people so I'd say it was a big fucking successful Easter Bank Holiday Weekend!
Sorry for all the pictures but I felt the need to share all the fun, hope you all had a great time whatever you did
As for my love life status a nice man told me today he was better for seeing my bright smile...he was old enough to be my grandad...as per usual, but it was a nice thing to hear...still got it with the geriatrics woop woop!!!!!
see yaaaaa

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