

Monday 31 March 2014

Back to work!


I'm back at work today, I'm proper grumpy about it! I only had a few days off but Monday morning always seems harder if you've enjoyed a few blissful days not thinking about work at all! Oh well, it is what it is so I'll shut up moaning about it.

I've been thinking just recently about my encounters & experiences over the years & some of them have made me laugh out loud. Here's one I've just got to share with you & I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

I had forgotten about this until I was digging deep with stories to tell, it still makes me laugh when I think about it. It was a couple of years ago & I was out for a few drinks in my home town when I saw a guy I used to go to school with, I hadn't seen him for absolutely ages, years in fact so I went over to say hi. It was a pleasant exchange for a few seconds after he'd realised who I was, it was genuinely nice to see him so I went in for the hug..."woah, I'm married now" he proclaims as he sticks his ring finger complete with ring right into my face!!  WTF?! Oh right I'll forget about that dirty sex I was just about to ask you to engage in on the floor in front of everybody in this bar then shall I??!

I was genuinely taken aback, said it was nice to see him & moved away not because I was embarrassed but because I was embarrassed for him! First of all get over yourself, secondly you'll always be the weirdo who used to eat paper in class for fucks sake!!

Is this a normal reaction?  Are married men constantly on edge in case old acquaintances who are just being friendly at a chance meeting & who may or may not be married themselves (he wouldn't have a clue what my status was) suddenly become overwhelmed with an urge to give good hug!  Surely not & yet I couldn't help but feel like I was seen as some kind of bitch on heat who would jump at the nearest bloke for whatever she could get...bitch please!

Anyway the panic on his face just serves to amuse me now so the overreaction 's on him!

See yaaaaaaa

Saturday 29 March 2014

My very first blog!


This is exciting!

So I'm single, all my friends apart from the odd one are couples and I find dating generally terrifying!! Welcome to my blog! Oh yeah I might swear a bit too, it's just who I am!

I want to share my experiences and thoughts about being single and life in general with anybody who cares to read this, hopefully some like minded people or those who can relate will enjoy reading about the disaster that is my love life and maybe have a little chuckle along the way.

I find love in the 21st century a minefield! I can't be the only person who feels completely bewildered when it comes love and all that shit.

So that's it, that's what I'll be writing about, Love, life and maltesers. I love maltesers they just make everything better don't they, great to eat about 5 million of them when you really examine your pathetic love life :)

I'll leave you with this, I was recently a bridesmaid,

I wasn't sure about the dress initially, I'm whiter than milk and the dress was very pale but I don't think it looked too bad in the end, look at my hair it was massive!! Anyway aren't weddings supposed to be a great place to meet people?? No such luck, literally no eligible men! Welcome to my life!!!
See yaaaaaa
p.s my awesome friend recently started a blog too it's brilliant (I've basically jumped on the bandwagon) so check hers out www.zoeevictoria.blogspot.co.uk